Pastoral Care

Mission Statement

Ardee Community School Care Team endeavours to nourish and support the wellbeing of all members of our school community.

Support Structure within the School

Year Heads

All year groups have a Year Head. The Year Head is responsible for year group administration, attendance, pastoral care, liaison with home, communication with other teachers, supporting learning and teaching, promoting positive behaviour, good study habits and organisation and responding to unacceptable behaviour.

Class Tutor

Each class has a teacher tutor who takes a special interest in each student in their assigned class. They are there to act a guide, advisor, confidant and motivator to each student in that class group. Each class group has assigned tutor time each day.

Guidance & Counselling

Students have the support of our Guidance Counsellor team, Ms Sinead Crossan, Ms Mairead McGuinness, Ms Leanne Kirk, Ms Paula Broe and Ms Eithne Daly work with the students throughout their school years. They provide career guidance and individual support to students who may have personal or school issues. This support is confidential unless it is of a child protection nature. Students have one to one or small group meetings for career guidance and students get whole class support from the guidance team from first year.

School Chaplain

The chaplain, Mr Sean Moran plans for religious worship in the school (for those opt in for this) and provides opportunities for faith development and participation in social justice activities. The chaplain is also available in a counselling role to any student in the school who may need a ‘listening ear’ or a ‘helping hand’ from time to time.

School Completion Programme

This is a national programme which aims to prevent early school leaving by encouraging and supporting students to stay in school. We in Ardee Community School are fortunate enough to have a co-ordinator, Ms Andrea Duffy, Ms Lynne Bowhan, Ms Janeen Short, Ms Chloe McKenny and Ms Roisin Ellis project workers based in the school. They provide invaluable support and encouragement to our students, especially to those who have difficulty accessing school.

Additional Education Needs

We have a team of dedicated teachers and a AEN coordinator who work in learning support and resource to help students who may have difficulty accessing the curriculum due to learning needs. Students are withdrawn from Irish if they have an exemption for same (see below) or are supported within their class. Every effort is made to allow students with specific learning difficulties to fully access the curriculum. If you feel that your son/daughter will need some support, please feel free to make an appointment to discuss same.

Exceptionally able, gifted and talented

Planned programmes to support students who are exceptionally able in some or all curricular areas are in place in all subject areas.

Rang Connolly, Cillian,Ferdia and Brigid

The first classes were established in 2006 to cater for students with a diagnosis of Autism who require the support of such a class. We currently have students in these four classes in our Solas centre. These students also access mainstream classes within the school. They form a very welcome part of our school community.

Home School Liaison Officer

The main role of the HSCL is to work with the parents /guardians of our students to enhance / ensure their son/daughter develops to his /her full educational potential.

The HSCL also has the role of encouraging & helping the parent/guardian understand that he/she is the primary educator of their son/daughter.

For this to become a reality the HSCL must work closely with the internal structures of our school community & also with external agencies. At present HSCL is under the direction & guidance of both the Department of Education & Tulsa.

We are in the fortunate position to have a full-time home school liaison officer. The HSCL acts as a support to you as parents/guardians. The HSCL supports families whose students may be having difficulty attending school or with any other aspect of school life.  The HSCL programme runs some short courses for parents/guardians as well as organising talks and information nights.

Click HERE for more information.


Mr. Sean Moran is our lay Chaplain here in Ardee Community School. His focus at all times is the welfare of all individuals within the school community and to support their spiritual, social, and emotional wellbeing. Mr. Moran works closely with all staff, students, parents and agencies/groups/organisations within the community. By virtue of his role the chaplain is a friend to all and a source of support, pastoral-care and counselling to all who need it.

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