Ardee Community School Care Team endeavours to nourish and support the wellbeing of all members of our school community.
All years groups have a Year Head. The Year Head is responsible for year group administration, assembly, attendance, pastoral care, liaison with home, communication with other teachers, supporting teaching and learning, promoting positive behaviour, good study habits and organisation and responding to unacceptable behaviour.
This is also a new initiative that was introduced at the beginning of the 2020 school year. Previously only junior cycle classes had a tutor with no tutor system in senior cycle. The new tutor system ensures every class in every year group has a tutor.
Each student meets their Class Tutor daily from 9:48am-10:00am Monday- Thursday, 9:43am -9:51am Friday.
The class tutor takes a special interest in each student in their assigned class. They are there to act as a friend, guide, advisor, confidant and motivator to each student in that particular class group. The Tutor and tutor group will follow a programme that focuses primarily on the wellbeing of the student.
Role of the Home School Community Liaison Coordinator.
The main role of the HSCL is to work with the parents /guardians of our students to enhance / ensure their son/daughter develops to his /her full educational potential.
The HSCL also has the role of encouraging & helping the parent/guardian understand that he/she is the primary educator of their son/daughter.
For this to become a reality the HSCL must work closely with the internal structures of our school community & also with external agencies. At present HSCL is under the direction & guidance of both the Department of Education & Tulsa.
We are in the fortunate position to have a full-time home school liaison officer, Ms Patricia Murray. Patricia acts as a support to you as parents/guardians. She supports families whose students may be having difficulty attending school or with any other aspect of school life. She runs some short courses for parents/guardians as well as organising talks and information nights.
Click HERE for more information.
Mr. Sean Moran is our lay Chaplain here in Ardee Community School. His focus at all times is the welfare of all individuals within the school community and to support their spiritual, social, and emotional wellbeing. Mr. Moran works closely with all staff, students, parents and agencies/groups/organisations within the community. By virtue of his role the chaplain is a friend to all and a source of support, pastoral-care and counselling to all who need it.