Guidance & Wellbeing

Guidance & Counselling

Guidance & Counselling in our school covers a range of activities to assist all of our students to reach their best potential at any given time in their secondary education.

  • We provide a safe and confidential counselling service for any student who is struggling with any aspect of their lives.
  • We offer a range of educational services including classes and one to one meetings to help students meet their educational goals.
  • We also provide classes in Guidance which helps students decipher and find the best vocational pathway for them both during and beyond their school years.
  • Our service helps students develop the necessary self directed management skills to  make informed choices about their current situation and their future plans.
  • We are on hand to talk with parents, teachers and students about any concerns they have.
  • At present we have three Guidance Counsellors on site:  Sinead Crossan; Ciara O Meara; Paula Broe
We encourage you to visit our careers news webpage (click below) so as to view all updates happening locally and across the country which may be of benefit to our students as they plan their onward career journeys.



Personal Websites for Young People website exploring issues of mental health magazine exploring health and media website raising awareness of suicide in Ireland Website for young people in making informed healthy choices about themselves, relationships, sex Dundalk Outcomers is a social and befriending support group for gay, lesbian and bi-sexual people. Website supporting positive mental health Samaritans provides 24-hour emotional support to anyone experiencing distress, despair or suicidal thought.

Bereavement Counselling Barnardos Bereavement Counselling for Children is a service for children and young people who have lost someone close to them – like a parent or a sibling – through death. a registered charity, is a peer-support programme to assist children, youth and adults who are grieving a death, separation or other painful transition in their family. YoungMinds is the UK’s only national charity committed to improving the mental health and emotional well-being of all children and young people. Website on eating disorders Website on healthcare services for both men and women CanTeen Ireland is a nation-wide support group for young people who have or have had cancer, and for their brothers, sisters and friends. Website on domestic violence

Careers Guidance

Careers Portal is an Irish website with lots of guidance including information on skills shortages.

6th Year Careers Information 2020 Irish national database of all 3rd & further education courses List of all CAO courses & links to all HEI colleges Information on financial supports available for higher & further education Application to UK 3rd level colleges _ contains links to colleges and assistance for course searching Advice on 3rd level education including fees Information on PLC courses Information on PLC courses National Qualifications Authority of Ireland on UK University fees comprehensive source of information about student grants Ireland Irish Higher Education and Government are committed to the objective of promoting ‘equality of access to higher education, irrespective of social class, age or disability’. Examinations Papers and Marking Schemes

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