Board of Management
The Board of Management is made up of nominees of the trustees (six), parents (two) and teachers (two), and the principal who acts as secretary to the board. The Board of Management is responsible for policymaking, finance, admissions, behaviour management, recruitment of staff, decisions on learning, teaching and curriculum and the overall management of the school.
Principal / Deputy Principals
- The Principal & Deputy Principals have overall responsibility for the day to day to day running of the school.
- Principal: Ms. Mary Jackson.
- Deputy Principals: (left to right below) Ms. Clara Neavyn, Ms. Pauline Duffy, Ms. Marcella Greenan

Assistant Principals
The Senior Management Team is supported by a team of Assistant Principals. The Assistant Principals undertake various roles including the role of Year Head.
The role of the Year Head includes monitoring of academic progress, behaviour management, communication with parents/guardians and other staff, attendance, welfare and any other aspect of the students’ life. Each year group also has an assigned Deputy Principal.
Other Assistant Principals are responsible for roles such as Learning and Teaching, Programme Co-ordination, DEIS Planning and Co-ordination, Book Rental, ICT, Additional Educational Needs, Health and Safety and other administrative duties.
The tutor is a class teacher who takes a special interest in the particular class group assigned to them. They encourage the students in that group to link in with them, and they in turn report to the Year Heads and the Senior Management Team regarding any individual or class issues. They deal with friendship issues, conflict, academic progress and are there for students experiencing difficulties in their school or personal lives. Tutor time is timetabled each day.
Classroom & Subject Teachers
Teachers are responsible for the learning of all the students in that class group. Classroom teachers are also obliged to be observant and report, through the appropriate channels, concerns relating to the students in their care.
Special Needs Assistants
The Special Needs Assistants (SNA’s) are responsible for the care needs of assigned students. They accompany students to class and ensure that they fully access their learning, as well as supporting their other care needs.