Principal’s Welcome

It is my pleasure to invite you to our website. Hopefully it will help you to gain an insight into the excellent, broad and inclusive education available in our school.
Our community school was opened in 1974 following the amalgamation of the three post primary schools in the town: St Anne’s Mercy Secondary School, Ardee Vocational School and the De La Salle Secondary School. Today, the school is under the joint trusteeship of the Archdioceses of Armagh and the Louth/Meath Education and Training Board (LMETB). Ardee Community School, in the spirit of the trusteeship, focuses on the academic, spiritual, moral, mental, physical and social wellbeing of students.
Ardee Community School has a long and proud tradition of meeting the educational needs of the community in Ardee, and the surrounding area, in a multi denominational and coeducational setting.
We continue to have high expectations for all our students and aim to support each young person to reach their individual potential in a calm, caring, creative and supportive environment.
The core values of Ardee Community School are care, respect, community, inclusion, equality, justice and fairness. These values combine to provide and support an atmosphere which is conducive to excellence in learning and teaching.
We are very proud of our broad curriculum and subject choice and continue to develop educational opportunities for our students. We offer the full range of educational programmes – Junior Cycle, Junior Cycle Schools Programme (JCSP), Transition Year Programme (Optional), Leaving Certificate, Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme (LCVP) and the Leaving Certificate Applied Programme (LCA).
We have a very wide subject choice at Junior Cycle and we have twenty-one subjects options available at Leaving Certificate. We have embraced new exam subjects in recent years, such as Physical Education (LCPE), Computer Science and Politics and Society. Programme and subject choice is offered in a democratic way. We are very proud of the provision of our Autism Support Classes which support the inclusion of students in our school community.
Our caring, dedicated and committed teachers, and other staff, support and encourage each student during their journey through Ardee Community School. Our school is committed to developing and nurturing relationships and creating a safe and happy learning environment for our students. As well as supporting students academically, students are encouraged to develop their many skills, aptitudes and talents. Students’ wellbeing is an important aspect of school life in Ardee Community School and programmes are built into the school curriculum and are provided through other programmes during our daily tutor time.
Our teachers, in a voluntary capacity, support a very wide range of extracurricular and cocurricular activities in our school. This allows students to use their talents, participate in teams, develop social and environmental awareness and be creative.
We promote student voice, leadership and other activities through our student council, prefect, mentor and other leadership roles. We aim to provide our students with an excellent educational experience and support their development into caring, perceptive and respectful young people ready to confidently embrace adulthood.
Our sense of community is very important to us and the involvement of all stakeholders in our school supports this. We serve our community by supporting all our learners as they reach their potential in a truly inclusive environment.
With the excellent support of the Department of Education and generous sponsorship, we continue to develop our education facilities in order to create a modern, well equipped school.
I extend a warm welcome to all visitors to our website and I hope that the information you find here is helpful to your understanding of our school community.
Mary Jackson

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