
Why choose ACS?

The school is co-educational and multi denominational catering for students of all abilities under the characteristic spirit (seee Admissions Policy) determined by our Trustees.

There are currently over 1,100 students enrolled in the school.  Our aim in Ardee Community School is to maximise the potential of each student according to their ability. Learning and Teaching is at the core of what we do. The school aims to create an environment where students are happy, settled, well supported and organised as research has proven that if the school environment is right the achievements of students are enhanced.

Important Additional Information For Parents

We request that the information below is not discussed with us or that reports are not handed over until after a formal offer of a place is made.

Psychological Reports

If your child has been psychologically assessed in Primary School or privately, it is important that you share this information with us. Also if your son/daughter has learning support in primary school, please make an appointment through the school office talk to the Principal and bring along a copy of any report(s) with you. It is in your son’s/daughter’s best interests to ensure that the school has a copy of any report (including speech and language, occupational therapy or any other report) relevant to your child’s education and that support is put in place for them should they require it. Under recent legislation, there is no longer need to have a student assessed by a psychologist to access resources, specified testing can be carried out by the school to determine the needs of the student.

Exemption from Irish

If your son/daughter has an exemption from Irish for any reason, it will carry through from Primary to Post Primary school. This was only granted in the past on the basis of a written recommendation from a psychologist in a psychological report. A new system has been introduced which does not require a recommendation of a psychologist (Please contact Ms Jackson for details) Students who enter the Irish Education System after the age of twelve (in the past it was eleven) are also exempt from Irish. It is important that you let us know if your child has an Irish exemption.

Entrance Tests

Each year, our incoming 1st Years sit entrance tests on a Saturday in the spring term.
These are standardised tests which assess literacy and numeracy levels as well as other areas of competency. They give us more information about the strengths and needs of incoming students and are not used to stream students into classes or label them in any way. The results are used to put in place any help individual students may need and to track their progress through Ardee Community School. Repeat testing is undertaken throughout Junior Cycle. Due to the current pandemic we may not be able to run these tests as we would in normal circumstances, while no decision has been made as yet, we may delay these tests until the students join us in the Autumn.

Assignment to Classes

We make every effort to keep classes as small as possible throughout the school. First year classes are strictly mixed ability and are not streamed or set according to ability. From second year on students are banded for Irish, English and Maths according to their demonstrated ability. This follows careful monitoring and assessment throughout First Year. Each base class is assigned a name and students remain in this base class for most of their time in Ardee Community School.

Communication with Parents/Guardians

Every effort is made to communicate regularly with parents/guardians. School reports are sent out twice yearly. Any necessary written communication is sent out with the reports and at any other time deemed necessary during the school year. Parents/guardians are free to make an appointment to discuss issues at any time. Parent-teacher meetings are held yearly for each year group. Our school website is updated on a regular basis and can be viewed at The school has an APP and texting service to alert parents/guardians to important events and allow for communication between home and school.


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